Tuesday 19 July 2011

I weep for the future...

Do I despair because Destructive Global Warming is just days away from flooding every major city and killing millions, or even billions? Don’t be ridiculous...

Do I fear that we have reached – nay, passed – peak oil and that a global war is on the verge of erupting over the precious few resources which remain? [scoffs] Hardly!

Food shortages? Give me a break... [mumbled while enjoying a thick, juicy steak]

Power consumption? Energy security? I don’t think so!

Then what, exactly, is it that causes my hope for the future to dim to nary a pessimistic glint, a depressing dull glow of gloom and anguish on the horizon? I weep for the future not because of Global Warming but, rather, a phenomenon I have labelled as Global Dumbing. This shocking occurrence is typified by a trending down of global intelligence. Sceptical? Are you a ‘Dumbing Denier’? Well consider this: Research shows that intelligence is influenced by genetics – FACT. Trends also indicate that within western society that there is a negative correlation between education level obtained and family size – FACT. Anecdotal evidence would indicate that the more time one spends on tertiary education, the more likely they are to be career oriented (or, alternatively, those who are more intellectually gifted complete tertiary education and, courtesy of that cognitive capacity, recognise that having a family and children is a colossal waste of time and money...). The statistics indicate that a tertiary educated couple will, on average, only have one child, thereby not even replacing the parents in the next generation.

What effect does this decreased birth-rate of the intellectually superior have? Global Dumbing, that’s what! A gradual decline of the population’s collective intellect where scientific advancement will grind to a halt and the ability to think analytically and critically will evaporate. Soon the world will be overrun with troglodytic half-wits who think burnouts are amusing and that wearing your pyjamas to the local convenience store is appropriate. Oh, what a horrible future it will be! The great literary classics will be relegated to history. Universities will only have students enrolling in their Bachelor of Arts program; worse yet, they will all be majoring in liberal majors like Social Justice [shivers]! Collingwood’s membership would skyrocket and the sales of Holden Utes would explode! Mullets would make a comeback! Julia Gillard’s popularity would be through the roof! OH THE HUMANITY!

Finding 'Global Dumbing' a bit hard to follow? Perhaps that says more about you than you think...

How is this related to politics, I hear you ask? Simple, as you need only look as far as your T.V. or newspaper (and it had best be a News Ltd. publication!) and you will see countless hordes of ignorant serfs being trotted out by Labor and their Union overlords to shore up the Carbon Tax cheer squad. But the unwitting pawns of Gillard and Howes aside, I am far more concerned with the physical embodiment of the Global Dumbing trend: Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young. When discussing the Carbon Tax's impact on small mining towns in her state of South Australia, Senator Hanson-Young stated that in the future they “won’t exist”, epitomising the Greens’ war on the Australian people.

So what, exactly, is the point that I am attempting to make here? Well I will sign off by posing this question for your consideration: Who is dumber? The Labor Party for willing to be in a coalition with – let alone the same room! – a bunch of radical extremists who delight in destroying our economy or the people who voted for them in the first place...


  1. hahaha so true, the world is getting dumber...

    but yea, all those clowns who voted labor/greens are reaping what they've sown, pity it'll screw the economy in the process!

  2. I like to have some faith that not everyone is as stupid as our politicians... otherwise we are doomed!

    PS: Great read, Johno, love your work!

    PPS: LOVE the George Jnr pic! He may have been an idiot, but at least he was entertaining! haha!
