Friday 29 July 2011

Johnny come back!

So that's it for another week and I'm sure I speak for many when I say that the weekend could not come soon enough! As always I have the results for this week's Right Side Poll and there was a clear disinterest in both Abbott and Turnbull as the voter's preferred Liberal leader to head the assault on the next election. While 40% of readers felt that it didn't matter who leads the party, as Labor is so skilled at the art of incompetency, a whooping 60% want to see the one, the only, John Howard make a comeback. I must confess that I, like many of you, am in the majority. It was a sad day when the former Prime Minister was unjustly turfed out of office by the snake-oil salesman in Rudd but, ultimately, the proof is in the prosperity. Under Howard Australia experienced a Golden Age of prosperity, now, with Labor running the show, we up debt creek without a paddle. So I thought that I would dedicate this week's TGIF post to John Howard, the man responsible for Australia's survival of the GFC... I don't care how much Labor harp on about their stupid cash handouts saving the economy, the truth is Howard and Costello spent over a decade reforming and growing the Australian economy; they, and they alone, are responsible for our survival. The only thing Labor can claim credit for is our enormous debt which our grandchildren will still be paying off!

John Howard = Legend

This week's Right Side Poll asks what you believe the outcome of the 'Malaysian Solution' deal will be. So I hope that you have all had a good week and, as always, I like to end my Fridays on a lighter note, so I've included a link that always makes me laugh. I hope you find it as amusing as I do.

Have a brilliant weekend and I hope to see you back here next week...

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