Wednesday 12 October 2011

The Grand Deception, the Ultimate Betrayal...

Only hours ago the Carbon Tax legislation passed through the House of Representatives and Julia Gillard completed her ultimate betrayal of the Australian Nation and its people. Gillard's unholy alliance with the Greens has now been sealed; irrevocable and beyond redemption. The government of Australia, regardless of its ideology, is charged with protecting and promoting the interests of this, the greatest of nations on Earth. By doing this deal with the Greens Gillard has demonstrated her casual disregard for the people, with her sole objective being maintenance of power, regardless of the cost. And make no mistake, there will be costs...

The Labor Heartland will bear much of the economic burden, as manufacturing is forced off-shore, unable to compete with economies that are not held back by this illogical tax. Families will find their struggle to keep their heads above water even harder, with this unnecessary tax simply adding more pressure to already tight family budgets. Scraping some money together for luxuries or treats for the kids will become impossible, as Gillard and Brown pursue their doctrine of economic suicide. The pair of economic illiterates will wring every last available dollar out of hard working Australians, all for the single-minded goal of advancing their socialist agenda. To borrow - and alter sightly - a quote from the great Winston Churchill: "Never before will so many lose so much because of the incompetence of so few..."

The kiss of death, for the Australian economy...
 That is the crux of the matter: economic pain. Make no mistake, there will be pain. Never before in the history of our nation have we seen such a legislative abomination, the likes of which will destroy the livelihoods of hard working Australian families. While the Green elitists, sitting in their inner-city cafes sipping soy lattes, may be happy and able to pay this tax that does not mean Australia families should be made to carry this burden. It must be nice to be an eco-nut, with no ability to see or confront reality. The economy is not as strong as you think! People are losing their jobs and families are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet! Why would you want to cause economic devastation?! For what, so that you can save the environment? I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but this Carbon Tax will do NOTHING to help the environment! Perhaps you should take your sanctimonious, self-righteous eco-propaganda and have a chat with you comrades to the North! Without China, India or the USA taking action there will be no benefit to the climate. Why embark of a program of economic self-harm when all you are going to end up doing is wrecking havoc on our economy, our way of life?

This is truly a say day in the history of Australia. Gillard and Brown will end up hurting all Australians with this poorly conceived tax. "There will be no Carbon Tax under any government I lead", the grand deception, the ultimate betrayal. One promise I know that will come true is that there will be no family celebrating this sad day.

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