Friday 14 October 2011

Gillard's true agenda...

Make no mistake, Gillard is as red as they come, and I am not referring to her hair colour! She is a socialist, an extreme Left-winger, a communist... She has not abandoned her roots, she has simply become addicted to power, meaning that she has needed to conceal her true colours or alienate middle Australia. While she may have fooled some, the harsh reality for those on the Centre-Left is becoming very clear: once a red, always a red.

This week saw the culmination of months of backroom deals, brokering benefits for vested Green interests, and a half-backed and unconvincing national campaign to promote the Carbon Tax. The 18 'Clean Energy' Bills passed through the House of Representatives with great fanfare, with the Labor party revelling in the self-congratulatory atmosphere. It was a surreal scene and reminded me somewhat of the eve of the French Revolution: the nobility dined and celebrated as if all was normal, ignorant and blinded by their hubris, they failed to see that the mob was growing... and that they were angry... Gillard and Co. are, of course, proudly supporting [King of the Nuts] Bob Brown in his quest for a global, socialist government. Many are sceptical, but the evidence is undeniable; Bob won't be satisfied until he and his ilk control the world...

Then we have the fiasco around board protection and the swelling flood of boat people showing up on our shores. Now Gillard's basic red instinct is to just open the boards, but that would have upset every single Australia who still has a semblance of love for their country. No, she played the pretend game, setting up a deal that she knew would fail (and accepting 800 more refugees in the process) and held out until it all collapsed, leaving her - and the Greens - preferred mode of processing: on-shore. Why is this preferred? Well it means that they can give the red carpet treatment, on the tax-payer dollar, of course... These foreigners who come here illegally will now be given comfortable tax-payer funded community based accommodation. That's right, while over a 100,000 AUSTRALIANS are homeless on any given night, Gillard, Brown and Sarah Hanson-Young want to treat these illegal entrants to a nice holiday, and they are even going to give them some spending money... That's right, while you and I have to work for our money and face ever increasing cost of living pressures, Gillard and friends are giving these people between $443 (for a single illegal boat person) and $570 (for an illegal family) a fortnight! Why work when you can grab a boat, paddle around in the water until the coast guard arrives, and Sarah Hanson-Young will be there to roll out the red carpet with giant sack of free money and the keys to resort-like accommodations?! Why reward hard work and achievement when you can tax it and use the money to treat illegal entrants to a luxury holiday?!

Seriously, whoever voted ALP or Green at the last election you need to take a good, long, hard look at yourself in the mirror. Your politically correct bullshit is quickly destroying our great nation and eroding the culture and values that I - and all freedom loving Australians - hold so dear. Speaking of political correctness gone mad, I have the results for the latest Right Side Poll where I asked for your verdict on the Andrew Bolt Federal Court ruling. The response was clear with the overwhelming majority believing that it was a dark day for free speech (82%). Those who believed that it was an important clarification of the law (11%) and who thought that it was a victory against discrimination (5%) were in the minority. Thanks to all who voted, the poll results mirrored that of many conducted on the matter. I only hope that Bolt appeals and that this stain is swiftly removed from the legal system. The current Right Side Poll is looking at the border protection. I look forward to hearing you thoughts!

So that is it for another week. I hope that your Friday goes quickly and painlessly and that you have an enjoyable weekend. Best wishes and I hope to see you all back here next week! Oh, and if the weekend is not coming fast enough for your liking, and you are in need of some random awesomeness, you might want to check out this new blog I have been reading. Have a good one!

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