Wednesday 7 September 2011

The New World Order is coming... unless we stand-up for Democracy

I love my country; I'm a freedom loving conservative and damn proud of it. This is the greatest country in the world, a land of prosperity and opportunity... or at least it was. For you see, my friends, our great nation is dying, being bled dry by the parasitic Left who leech our nation's wealth, it's hopes, it's dreams, and, more importantly, robbing the next generation of opportunity and that quintessential Australian notion of 'the fair go'. The child should not suffer for the sins of the father, and nor should the next generation of Australians suffer the burden of the unsustainable debt-binge that is legacy of the Labor Party. The needless cycle of economic self-harm; spend-debt-tax, repeat...

The current Labor government is surpassing the incompetence of previous ALP administrations, which is no easy feat. This has come about, of course, courtesy of the Labor-Green alliance, one which is pushing our great democracy further and further to the Left. The Carbon Tax has nothing to do with stopping emissions, it is a program of wealth re-distribution. Take the hard earned money from those who worked to build a better life for themselves and give it to those who cannot be bothered to get an education, get a job, and work for their income. Why work when you can live in Brown's socialist paradise, where there is no drive, no innovation, no incentive for self-improvement, just cash handouts and drum circles?

What scares me the most is that Brown and his band of revolutionaries don't want to stop there - oh no! - they have their eyes set on a much larger goal. The Left are trying to bring the West down from within. Unable to provide an alternative model to Capitalism (well, at least one that works...) the Left have decided that if you can't beat them, join them... and destroy them from within. Over a decade of the 'New Labour' experiment in Britain has seen their once great society crumble to the level of petty thuggery and violence on a once unimaginable scale. Obama has set out to completely destroy the US economy in a single term. The ALP and their Green allies have their eyes set on completely obliterating Australia's prosperity and dismantling our social system by opening the door to any Tom, Dick or Mohammad who can get on a leaky boat pointed in Christmas Island's direction! The destruction of the West so that their New World Order may finally become a reality...

For those of you who think that I am over-exaggerating, I suggest that you look at the evidence. Bob Brown has made no secret of the fact that he wants to see a global government. Brown, in his back-room deals to get Gillard to support his Carbon Tax policy, has secured funding to help see this Global Government become a reality. Of the revenue collected by the Carbon Tax, 10% will be redirected to the United Nations. What agenda is the UN pushing? Why it wants resource use decoupled from economic growth and for the wealth of the West funnelled to the Third World. Wait a minute, this sounds familiar... Oh, that's right, this is just Brown's wealth redistribution program but on a global scale, one that we will be helping to fund through the Carbon Tax. And Australia's Left are not the only ones pushing for this perverse global Green government, with Germany already become one of the first 'Green Dictatorships'.

It seems as though the old Communist model is simply being rehashed, rebranded, and sold with a brand new coat of Green paint. While we cannot change the course of other nations, we do control the destiny of our own. Unlike socialist revolution that use guns, bloodshed and fear, we will use our freedom of speech, our sense of justice and, the most important weapon of all, our democratic right to vote. Use your vote wisely at the next election; if the nation chooses to continue down this slippery slope of socialist experimentation, it very well may be the last time we get to vote at a free election...

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