Thursday 1 September 2011

Julia Gillard, Former Prime Minister...

I have to admit that I quite like the sound of that. And, it would appear, that we are getting closer and closer to it becoming a reality. What we are witnessing this week is the dramatic climax, the ALP's implosion under the heavy weight of years of failure. The people have made their voice loud and clear on the Carbon Tax and the economic damage it will wreak on our still fragile economy. The High Court has proclaimed Gillard's "Malaysian Solution" to be no solution at all, but instead a monumental failure which put lives at risks and damages Australia's human rights reputation and our broader national reputation as a whole. Not only have they resoundingly knocked this failed policy on its head, but also endorsed the Howard Government's "Pacific Solution", and it is not difficult to understand why. The "Pacific Solution", regardless of what Bob Brown and Sarah Hanson-Young bleat on about, was a resounding success which treated asylum seekers humanely. When Labor came to power in 2007 there were 4 asylum seekers being held for processing. That's right, it's not a typo: FOUR! Now our detention centres are bursting at the seams with over 3000 people now being held for processing.

There is also the financial consideration which needs to be taken into account. We have a deal with Malaysia, and we are obligated to take the 4000 refugees we agreed would be exchanged. Australian Tax-Payers are being lumped with the bill to ship out and resettle 4000 people for no net gain! But perhaps this is what Gillard and her Leftists buddies wanted all along...? But conspiracy theories aside, this is just another instance of failure from a Prime Minister and a Government which seems to know only screw-ups and scandals. The question isn't "What have they done right?" it's "What haven't they ruined yet?" We have monumental national debt, we are letting in everyone who can jump on a leaky boat, we are being taxed to a level that the Sheriff of Nottingham would be proud of, and all for what? So that we can have a corrupt government being run by the pseudo-Prime Minister in Bob Brown? Is this really the Australia we want?

Looking a bit glum there, Julia...
Due to practical restraints I won't list all of failures of this Government as I am afraid that if I did, I would crash Blogger; there just isn't enough space on this site or time in the day. The simple point I wish to make is that politically Gillard is toast. She is toxic and damaging to this great nation of ours, but also the ALP. Now I am no fan of Labor and strongly believe that they are a bunch of corrupt, loony Leftists who only know how to rack up debt and tax hard working Australians into poverty. I will, however, stop and offer them some advice, because I think they need it:

Dear Faceless Men of the ALP,

Gillard, as a brand, is damaged beyond repair. If you want the Labor brand to survive, you need to dump her quick smart, because the longer she hangs about the further she will drag you down. It is in both the best interest of the ALP and the nation as a whole that Gillard goes. Yes, this means that you will lose government but, quite frankly, you deserve it. Deal with it, learn from it, move forward...

The People of Australia

How does that sound? Fair? Let me know; I'd really like to hear what you have to say on the matter (and how long you think Gillard will last...).

1 comment:

  1. She won't last long... give her a week or so and she'll be gone and we'll be off back to the polls...
