Friday 16 September 2011

Gillard is out looking for friends...

Another week has come and gone, and what do we have to show for it? Parliament is sitting again, debating the Carbon Tax in a record short time space; how can you build consensus on an important policy area when, as a government, all you want to do is ram the legislation through? No debate, no discussion, this is what it is, approve it and shut-up! Hardly sounds like democracy, but that is what Bob Brown wants, ergo that is what Gillard will deliver. As long as Comrade Premier Brown is happy, the wheels of the democracy Glorious Socialist Paradise will continue to turn...

"Will you be my friend? I'll buy you a pie... or four?"

An emerging story is the reaction to Gillard's address at Old Parliament house today, outlining her vision for the Labor Party. It seems as though the PM is after some new friends, setting the goal of recruiting 8000 new ALP members over the course of next year. Where she intends on finding these people I don't know... Actually, on the other hand, there are 4000 'refugees' coming here from Malaysia; perhaps one of the conditions of entry is that you must vote Labor? If they knew what a mess the ALP is, I'm guessing they would chose to remain in Malaysia rather than be associated with Gillard and the rest of the ALP rabble...

"Will you be my friend, tiny ranga?"

What we haven't heard this week is Tony Abbott discussing Industrial Relations, which would disappoint most of our readers as there is an indication from this week's Right Side Poll that this needs to be addressed. This topic has, understandably, polarised our readers, with 75% believing that FairWork must be scrapped and elements of WorkChoices returned, while the other 25% nominated the 'Hell No' option, believing that it would be electoral suicide. I am of the view that it needs to be done if we want a productive economy; WorkChoices was actually really good legislation, but the Union scare campaign destroyed what should have been John Howard's crowning achievement. Whether now is the right time for this discussion, I don't know. What I do know is that if Abbott doesn't want to leave himself open for attack on this issue, the Coalition needs an airtight, clearly communicated IR policy moving into the next election. If there is no clear policy, the Union fear machine will just crank up again...

"Will you be my frie... actually, no, on second thoughts..."
This week's Right Side Poll is looking at something entirely different: Malcolm Turnbull. This week there were murmurings about Turnbull speaking on the Carbon Tax legislation. Will he speak or won't he? What will he say? Is the party gagging him? This episode has highlighted just how destabilising Turnbull can be. So I want to know what you think about the man; is he good, bad, or damaging? Vote and tell us what you think, I'm fascinated to see how this poll turns out...

Right, so that is it for this week and I would like to finish up on a serious note. Within the course of a week we have had World Suicide Prevention Day (10th of September) and R U OK? Day (15th of September). While awareness is important, it is nothing without action. This weekend, if you have a spare moment, put it to good use. Jump on the phone to a friend or loved one and ask them how they are going. If you have a few spare moments, why not get your friends together for a coffee and a chat. Our world can be a lonely place, but you can solve that just by picking up the phone. I wish you all a happy and safe weekend, and remember: if you are struggling with a psychological problem, whether you are just feeling a bit down and blue, you are no alone! There are people who care about you and services available to help out.

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