Friday 23 September 2011

The Joke of the Year

This has been a bit of a strange week. Firstly I wish to apologise for being a little absent, my work/life balance this week has been practically non-existent. Which is a pity, because there has been a lot going on, most notably the joke of the year. That's right, I am talking about Wayne Swan being named the number 1 finance minister in the world. This was, of course, only days before the stock market took an absolute beating. Yea, you're doing a swell job, Wayne... Of course this illustrates the point of control; the simple fact of the matter is that Wayne could put on a chicken suit and run around screaming "I'm gunna prop up the economy by laying a golden egg!" and this would do very little as we are part of a global economy. Congratulating Swan on Australia's economy (we are doing 'less bad', not necessarily 'well') is a mute point; if you want to congratulate any one it should be the Chinese. Or, better yet, the decade of hard work put in by Howard/Costello which ensured that the fundamentals were strong and there was money in the bank when the GFC hit!

The other interesting area of discussion this week has been around Julia Gillard's tenuous grip on the Lodge. Commentators and observers have been pointing out that Kevin Rudd appears to be circling, going so far as to begin canvassing the support of those who turfed him out just over a year ago. This really speaks to the heart of Labor's problems right now; in a week where they did get one piece of good news (Swan's dubious accolade) they are unable to gain any political traction as their incompetence blocks out everything. K-Rudd, asylum seekers (still no deal and two more boats showing up today alone), Carbon Tax parliamentary debate... Gillard and Co. are drowning in a sea of incompetence, and the only ones who will suffer from this gross mismanagement of our nation is us!

Come closer Julia, I have a knife shaped object I would like to show you...
I love this country, but sometimes I really do weep for the future and question the intellect of my fellow Australians. I strongly believe in democracy and would never deny anyone their right to participate in a free and open election; but I do, however, question the cognitive faculties of those who vote Labor/Green... They were fooled by Rudd then allowed themselves to be fooled again by Gillard. Who leads the party doesn't matter, they are all of the same ideology, one that is built around waste, debt and rewarding incompetence.

Anyway, now that I have had my little rant for the week I will sign off, as I still have a very imposing stack of work to see to. I hope that your weekend is a little more interesting than what I fear mine will turn out to be! Best wishes and stay safe...

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