Thursday 29 September 2011

Bob Brown, the 'Policy Clown'

Sometimes all you can do is shake your head. Sometimes Bob Brown out does himself with such ridiculous policy 'thought bubbles' that it takes you aback. These ideas - and I use the word 'ideas' very liberally here - quite literally take your breath away, because they are just so stupid. With the global economy struggling to hold its head above water, and the Australian economy needing all the help it can get, Bob Brown Policy Clown want - wait for it! - another tax. He got his way with the Mining Tax, he got his way with the Carbon Tax, and now, still not content that those greedy corporations are paying enough, he wants another tax, a 'Gold Tax'. That's right, gold miners are too successful, time to redistribute some wealth...

"Oh! I just had a brain wave! What if we tax gold! And water! And old people! And puppies!"
Essentially, what The Clown is asking for, is for the Mineral Resource Rent Tax (MRRT) to be expanded to include gold mining operations; Brown doesn't just want to cripple segments of the industry, he wants to destroy the whole thing! While Gillard has indicated that she would resist pressure from the Greens for gold to be included in the MRRT, Brown has been sending subtle hints to the PM that he would gladly deal with another ALP leader should the party remove her. This is a worrying sign for Gillard, who has always used the ALP-Greens-Independents Alliance as a pillar to prop-up her leadership; an 'if I go the whole house of cards will come tumbling down with me' approach. This slap in the face from Brown makes it clear, she cannot rely on the Greens for protection; they will deal with whoever is willing to give them what they want. Their attitude towards the democratic process is truly disgusting, with Brown stating that Gillard would support gay marriage; apparently it is the Greens that decide Labor policy... but then again, we always knew this...

"SAVE ME! I don't want to go live with that nut! I vote Liberal!"

In addition to Brown Clown's policy joke, today is Julia Gillard's birthday and it looks as though she is going to be getting a puppy from her partner Tim. It is a 'Cavoodle', a cross between a Cavalier King Charles spaniel and a poodle, a breed which is said to be good for powerful people as it won't fret over an absent owner (in other words it will lover her about as much as the Australian people...). To mark the occasion, I thought that I would suggest some names for the 1st pooch for PM Gillard to consider:

-Bob: A boring name which would probably result in an overly demanding dog that barks and barks until it gets what it wants and, when it does, it will just turn around and shit on your rug...

-Wayne: Incredibly loyal... until a better offer comes around.

-Craig: Runs around mounting everything and is the only dog known to man that can use a credit card.

-Paul: Good for advancing your career, but a faceless dog does look a little strange. And finally...

-Kevin: Sure, it looks good, but when you turn your back it will lead over everything and raid the kitchen knifes... Julia would never be able to get a good night's sleep again...

Have a brilliant day people!

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