Wednesday 28 September 2011

The last Bolt in the coffin of free speech

Australia, our rights and liberties that we hold so dear are slowly being eroded and eaten away. Holding the light of inquiry up to potential areas of corruption for the public good is now something to be scorned. Journalists who seek to reveal falsehoods are being silenced, victims of a politically correct campaign to silence all who question and ask 'Why?' Andrew Bolt, an often controversial but passionate conservative activist, has been found guilty by the Federal Court for breaching the discrimination act, simply because he was trying to expose potential corruption. It had been alleged that articles written by Bolt suggested that light-skinned people who identified as Aboriginal did so for personal gain. So the only assumption that can really be confirmed here is that only white people can perpetrate corruption, and that all matters Indigenous are scared and beyond critical analysis or reproach! This is not just an attack on Andrew Bolt, this is an attack on Free Speech and the Australian way of life.

Andrew Bolt: Victim of a vicious PC hate campaign

"Free speech means the right of people to say what you don't like, not just the right of people to say what you do like," Opposition Leader Tony Abbott stated after hearing the outcome of the trial, adding that we should not be restricting "the sacred principle of free speech".

This is a disgusting act that has been committed by the Federal Court, which has, essentially, caved to political correctness gone mad. Stand up for your rights, Australia; because before you know it they may have all been stripped from us!

1 comment:

  1. I’d like to see them try to ban irony. For instance, Geoff Clark did NOT look like a buffoon, dressed in possum skins, pretending to be Aboriginal, celebrating a travesty of justice.
