Friday 30 September 2011

Gillard, the Bell Tolls for Thee...

It sure has been an interesting week. We have had attacks on our freedom of speech via a terrible miscarriage of justice; nothing less than a heinous assault by the Left on one of the modern day Australian heroes, Andrew Bolt. In addition, was have seen more stupidity from Bob Brown, the man who would tax any and all, yet the liberal media lets his thought bubble go un-criticised (I'm shocked!). So we have a great conservative crucified for exercising his right to speak his mind and ask legitimate questions, yet on the other hand we have the captain of Team Loony Left spouting economic nonsense yet not a peep from the media!

This week it was also Julia Gillard's 50th birthday with the PM getting a puppy. Well, at least there will be one thing in this world that will love her unconditionally... We all know her party doesn't, with the latest Newspoll showing that the ALP would have a better shot with Kevin Rudd in the top job. Rudd even got a little exciting, thinking he was already back in the PM's chair:

Sure, he may have been a little jet-lagged, but it does give us a very interesting window into what the man is thinking, that which is occupying his mind. Make no mistake, the leadership spill is coming sooner rather than later. It will certainly be before Labor's National Conference (December 2-4), giving the ALP and Rudd the perfect platform to launch their election campaign: Kevin11. The party would want to give him a full month or so in the lead up to the Conference, so I predict the spill will occur no later than October 21st; that means you only have 3 more weeks in the job Julia, enjoy them while you can!

Happy Birthday Julia... we baked you a cake...
I was interested in what everyone thought of the Liberal Party's biggest sore loser, Malcolm Turnbull, and it looks as though the Right Side Poll has validated my beliefs on the man. Thanks to all who have voted, with all agreeing that his effect on the party is negative with the two most popular options selected being that Turnbull is a destabilising force and a sore loser, not to mention being irrelevant. This week, I want to know what you think about the Bolt Ruling, is this a blow for freedom of speech in our great nation or a fair ruling. Let me know what you think...

Being Friday, I wanted to leave you with something a little amusing. A story has surfaced concerning not other than the Caped Crusader... no, he wasn't fighting the super villains of Gotham City but rather Christchurch. Have a read, it's good for a chuckle! I wish you all a happy and safe weekend and hope to see you back here next week... Have a good one and enjoy the Grand Final!

Thursday 29 September 2011

Free Speech: Not something to be taken for granted

Free speech should be just that: Free. All people should have the freedom to speak up for something which they believe in without fear of persecution. This is, I would contest, the core, fundamental tenant of democracy. How can you have a justly elected governing body if the citizenry does not have the right to critique its actions and decisions? Furthermore, how can our society develop and grow if it fears discussing the difficult issues for fear of offending the sensibilities of a vocal minority? This, ladies and gentlemen, is the heart of the problem; our great democracy has been hi-jacked by the Politically Correct Brigade who are desperate to stifle debate and privilege the minorities. Essentially, middle Australia is being forced out of their own country, bullied into silence...

Andrew Bolt is a champion of free speech and, in my opinion, a modern day Australian hero. He is brave enough to say what we are all thinking, despite the constant abuse and degradation that he suffers at the hands of the uniformed Left-Wing PC Brigade. Illegal asylum seekers are given everything they could possible want (including PlayStations) at the tax-payers' expense, yet if we question this, then we are shouted down as 'racist'. If we have legitimate concerns about corruption and the abuse of tax-payer dollars that's fine, as long as it is not in relation to the Indigenous community. If it relates in any way, shape, or form to Aboriginals, it is off limits, beyond question or approach. Breathe one negative word about the Indigenous community and you're a racist! Even if it is a legitimate concern in the interest of all Australians, Aboriginality is sacred; how dare you question it!

What kind of Australia do you want for your children? Stand up for free speech!

It is simple really; you cannot have a truly free, open and transparent society if you strip citizens of the right to question what it going on in their country. In a sense, middle Australia has been silenced by a group of Left-Wing sycophants who hate freedom and hate our democratic society. They hate our county so much that they want to open the floodgates, let in every Tom, Dick and Mohammad, and completely erode and destroy our great Western culture. Make no mistake, they are 'Cultural Terrorists' who hate democracy and who want to destroy our way of life. Andrew Bolt is a hero, I just wish that there were more brave journalists like him who are not afraid to stand up and defend the Australia I love.

Bob Brown, the 'Policy Clown'

Sometimes all you can do is shake your head. Sometimes Bob Brown out does himself with such ridiculous policy 'thought bubbles' that it takes you aback. These ideas - and I use the word 'ideas' very liberally here - quite literally take your breath away, because they are just so stupid. With the global economy struggling to hold its head above water, and the Australian economy needing all the help it can get, Bob Brown Policy Clown want - wait for it! - another tax. He got his way with the Mining Tax, he got his way with the Carbon Tax, and now, still not content that those greedy corporations are paying enough, he wants another tax, a 'Gold Tax'. That's right, gold miners are too successful, time to redistribute some wealth...

"Oh! I just had a brain wave! What if we tax gold! And water! And old people! And puppies!"
Essentially, what The Clown is asking for, is for the Mineral Resource Rent Tax (MRRT) to be expanded to include gold mining operations; Brown doesn't just want to cripple segments of the industry, he wants to destroy the whole thing! While Gillard has indicated that she would resist pressure from the Greens for gold to be included in the MRRT, Brown has been sending subtle hints to the PM that he would gladly deal with another ALP leader should the party remove her. This is a worrying sign for Gillard, who has always used the ALP-Greens-Independents Alliance as a pillar to prop-up her leadership; an 'if I go the whole house of cards will come tumbling down with me' approach. This slap in the face from Brown makes it clear, she cannot rely on the Greens for protection; they will deal with whoever is willing to give them what they want. Their attitude towards the democratic process is truly disgusting, with Brown stating that Gillard would support gay marriage; apparently it is the Greens that decide Labor policy... but then again, we always knew this...

"SAVE ME! I don't want to go live with that nut! I vote Liberal!"

In addition to Brown Clown's policy joke, today is Julia Gillard's birthday and it looks as though she is going to be getting a puppy from her partner Tim. It is a 'Cavoodle', a cross between a Cavalier King Charles spaniel and a poodle, a breed which is said to be good for powerful people as it won't fret over an absent owner (in other words it will lover her about as much as the Australian people...). To mark the occasion, I thought that I would suggest some names for the 1st pooch for PM Gillard to consider:

-Bob: A boring name which would probably result in an overly demanding dog that barks and barks until it gets what it wants and, when it does, it will just turn around and shit on your rug...

-Wayne: Incredibly loyal... until a better offer comes around.

-Craig: Runs around mounting everything and is the only dog known to man that can use a credit card.

-Paul: Good for advancing your career, but a faceless dog does look a little strange. And finally...

-Kevin: Sure, it looks good, but when you turn your back it will lead over everything and raid the kitchen knifes... Julia would never be able to get a good night's sleep again...

Have a brilliant day people!

Wednesday 28 September 2011

The last Bolt in the coffin of free speech

Australia, our rights and liberties that we hold so dear are slowly being eroded and eaten away. Holding the light of inquiry up to potential areas of corruption for the public good is now something to be scorned. Journalists who seek to reveal falsehoods are being silenced, victims of a politically correct campaign to silence all who question and ask 'Why?' Andrew Bolt, an often controversial but passionate conservative activist, has been found guilty by the Federal Court for breaching the discrimination act, simply because he was trying to expose potential corruption. It had been alleged that articles written by Bolt suggested that light-skinned people who identified as Aboriginal did so for personal gain. So the only assumption that can really be confirmed here is that only white people can perpetrate corruption, and that all matters Indigenous are scared and beyond critical analysis or reproach! This is not just an attack on Andrew Bolt, this is an attack on Free Speech and the Australian way of life.

Andrew Bolt: Victim of a vicious PC hate campaign

"Free speech means the right of people to say what you don't like, not just the right of people to say what you do like," Opposition Leader Tony Abbott stated after hearing the outcome of the trial, adding that we should not be restricting "the sacred principle of free speech".

This is a disgusting act that has been committed by the Federal Court, which has, essentially, caved to political correctness gone mad. Stand up for your rights, Australia; because before you know it they may have all been stripped from us!

Will he or won't he...?

No, I'm not talking about whether Tim Mathieson is going to pop the question and ask Julia to marry him, I'm talking about the other man in Julia's life; the one she was hoping to divorce and never see again. Yes, I'm talking about the Million Dollar Man himself, the narcissistic Kevin Rudd. I know that I have said this before, but given the recent rumblings in the Labor Party my prediction may soon be proved correct. Julia Gillard is on her last leg as Prime Minister; the only thing stopping her loyal comrades from immediately dispatching her is, quite frankly, there is no one to fill the position... except for Kevin.

The majority of the ALP despise K-Rudd, with many still blaming him for the damaging leaks that hampered the Party's re-election campaign within the first few weeks of election season last year. In addition to this many recall his tyrannical rein, a short era characterised by distrust, paranoia and a dictatorial, rather than consultative, approach to leadership. Rudd failed in almost all key indicators that predict successful leadership; but he was protected by his ultimate weapon: the opinion poll. While the polls were up, the Party would let him get away with blue murder, simply because, after being in the wilderness for so long, the members of the ALP could not quite believe their own resurrection. Finally, people liked them! The opinion polls became a drug that both Rudd and the ALP became addicted to, they allowed them to guide policy and decision making, which is a fatal error; shallow populism is never conducive with good government. A government must have a vision and, once they have a mandate, work to achieve it. Rudd lost all credibility when he jettisoned his Carbon policy, despite referring to Global Warming as the "greatest moral threat of our time". Rudd exposed himself as weak, and his Labor 'allies' were quick to turn on him once the polls started heading in the wrong direction.

"I'm coming for you Julia... at last I will have my revenge...!"

Gillard, ironically, is somewhat protected from the same fate as Rudd due to the nature in which she secured the top job. The Faceless Men know all too well the anger of the Australia people who saw what was done to Rudd as completely inappropriate and undemocratic. More ironically still, it is this situation which makes Rudd the only other alternative. The anger came about because Gillard was not a proven leader and got the top job by sliming her way into the top job by assassinating her leader. Rudd can do the same without the electoral backlash: he is a proven leader who some would say has more right to the job than Gillard.

With her popularity rate so low, the ALP needs to do something, but they are terrified of the only viable option. They know Rudd can only do better than Gillard, but they don't want him back; it would be a humiliating turn that would only fuel his smug ego and make him even more unbearable than before. Given that he was stabbed in the back by his own party, can you imagine Rudd's level of paranoia the next time around? Does anyone in the ALP seriously believe that he would be able to have a functioning relationship with Swan, the man who betrayed him to secure the Deputy PM spot? Rudd's return, while I believe it to be inevitable, will cause massive disruptions within the Party the likes of which I don't think we can fully predict. The simple fact of the matter is that Labor is broken and the longer they stay in power the more damaging it will be for both the Party and the Nation...

Friday 23 September 2011

The Joke of the Year

This has been a bit of a strange week. Firstly I wish to apologise for being a little absent, my work/life balance this week has been practically non-existent. Which is a pity, because there has been a lot going on, most notably the joke of the year. That's right, I am talking about Wayne Swan being named the number 1 finance minister in the world. This was, of course, only days before the stock market took an absolute beating. Yea, you're doing a swell job, Wayne... Of course this illustrates the point of control; the simple fact of the matter is that Wayne could put on a chicken suit and run around screaming "I'm gunna prop up the economy by laying a golden egg!" and this would do very little as we are part of a global economy. Congratulating Swan on Australia's economy (we are doing 'less bad', not necessarily 'well') is a mute point; if you want to congratulate any one it should be the Chinese. Or, better yet, the decade of hard work put in by Howard/Costello which ensured that the fundamentals were strong and there was money in the bank when the GFC hit!

The other interesting area of discussion this week has been around Julia Gillard's tenuous grip on the Lodge. Commentators and observers have been pointing out that Kevin Rudd appears to be circling, going so far as to begin canvassing the support of those who turfed him out just over a year ago. This really speaks to the heart of Labor's problems right now; in a week where they did get one piece of good news (Swan's dubious accolade) they are unable to gain any political traction as their incompetence blocks out everything. K-Rudd, asylum seekers (still no deal and two more boats showing up today alone), Carbon Tax parliamentary debate... Gillard and Co. are drowning in a sea of incompetence, and the only ones who will suffer from this gross mismanagement of our nation is us!

Come closer Julia, I have a knife shaped object I would like to show you...
I love this country, but sometimes I really do weep for the future and question the intellect of my fellow Australians. I strongly believe in democracy and would never deny anyone their right to participate in a free and open election; but I do, however, question the cognitive faculties of those who vote Labor/Green... They were fooled by Rudd then allowed themselves to be fooled again by Gillard. Who leads the party doesn't matter, they are all of the same ideology, one that is built around waste, debt and rewarding incompetence.

Anyway, now that I have had my little rant for the week I will sign off, as I still have a very imposing stack of work to see to. I hope that your weekend is a little more interesting than what I fear mine will turn out to be! Best wishes and stay safe...

Monday 19 September 2011

Mutiny aboard the HMAS Labor!

The crew be restless, and the Captain's position is looking grim. Julia "The Red Scourge" Gillard is trying to navigate the HMAS Labor out of the treacherous waters of the Electoral Whirlpool of Doom, but the situation is dire. The Labor has been significantly damaged, her bow torn asunder from the deadly rocks beneath Immigration Bay, just off Christmas Island. While the Captain has managed to jerry-rig a band-aid solution (with some help from her Malaysian crew members) it quickly came unstuck, and now threatens to sink the vessel. At the helm, desperately trying to dodge the attacks from the HMAS Howard Ghost, The Red Scourge is running out of time to escape her arch-enemy, Tony "The Monk" Abbott.

Avast ye scurvy dog! Arrr...

As the HMAS Labor begins disintegrating before her very eyes, The Red Scourge notices that the crew have begun talking in secret. The extremist Green buccaneers want control of the ship for themselves, wishing to spend whatever gold necessary to make it environmentally friendly (after all, gun powder pollutes the atmosphere...). Some of the crew don't like how their Captain practically ran the ship aground on Immigration Bay, while others wonder why she simply did not pillage the sweet Pacific Solution booty. All the while the deadly Faceless Men are sharpening the cutlasses, ready for the inevitable mutiny...

All the while, on the HMAS Howard Ghost, The Monk tries to keep his troops united, spurring them on to victory. The scallywag Turnbull jealously eyes The Monk's position, but Abbott's focus is squarely on sinking the Labor and claiming the Captain's hat for himself...

Will The Red Scourge survive the rumblings aboard the crippled HMAS Labor? Would a new Captain be able to enact the repairs necessary to escape the Electoral Whirlpool of Doom? Will Abbott ever claim the coveted Captain's hat that he so craves, or will that treasure be forever beyond his grasp? Tune in next time for another thrilling adventure on the Political High Seas...

I hope ye are all having a top 'Talk Like a Pirate Day'. Arrr, I wish I could talk like this all the time... Now where did I put my Captain's hat?

Friday 16 September 2011

Gillard is out looking for friends...

Another week has come and gone, and what do we have to show for it? Parliament is sitting again, debating the Carbon Tax in a record short time space; how can you build consensus on an important policy area when, as a government, all you want to do is ram the legislation through? No debate, no discussion, this is what it is, approve it and shut-up! Hardly sounds like democracy, but that is what Bob Brown wants, ergo that is what Gillard will deliver. As long as Comrade Premier Brown is happy, the wheels of the democracy Glorious Socialist Paradise will continue to turn...

"Will you be my friend? I'll buy you a pie... or four?"

An emerging story is the reaction to Gillard's address at Old Parliament house today, outlining her vision for the Labor Party. It seems as though the PM is after some new friends, setting the goal of recruiting 8000 new ALP members over the course of next year. Where she intends on finding these people I don't know... Actually, on the other hand, there are 4000 'refugees' coming here from Malaysia; perhaps one of the conditions of entry is that you must vote Labor? If they knew what a mess the ALP is, I'm guessing they would chose to remain in Malaysia rather than be associated with Gillard and the rest of the ALP rabble...

"Will you be my friend, tiny ranga?"

What we haven't heard this week is Tony Abbott discussing Industrial Relations, which would disappoint most of our readers as there is an indication from this week's Right Side Poll that this needs to be addressed. This topic has, understandably, polarised our readers, with 75% believing that FairWork must be scrapped and elements of WorkChoices returned, while the other 25% nominated the 'Hell No' option, believing that it would be electoral suicide. I am of the view that it needs to be done if we want a productive economy; WorkChoices was actually really good legislation, but the Union scare campaign destroyed what should have been John Howard's crowning achievement. Whether now is the right time for this discussion, I don't know. What I do know is that if Abbott doesn't want to leave himself open for attack on this issue, the Coalition needs an airtight, clearly communicated IR policy moving into the next election. If there is no clear policy, the Union fear machine will just crank up again...

"Will you be my frie... actually, no, on second thoughts..."
This week's Right Side Poll is looking at something entirely different: Malcolm Turnbull. This week there were murmurings about Turnbull speaking on the Carbon Tax legislation. Will he speak or won't he? What will he say? Is the party gagging him? This episode has highlighted just how destabilising Turnbull can be. So I want to know what you think about the man; is he good, bad, or damaging? Vote and tell us what you think, I'm fascinated to see how this poll turns out...

Right, so that is it for this week and I would like to finish up on a serious note. Within the course of a week we have had World Suicide Prevention Day (10th of September) and R U OK? Day (15th of September). While awareness is important, it is nothing without action. This weekend, if you have a spare moment, put it to good use. Jump on the phone to a friend or loved one and ask them how they are going. If you have a few spare moments, why not get your friends together for a coffee and a chat. Our world can be a lonely place, but you can solve that just by picking up the phone. I wish you all a happy and safe weekend, and remember: if you are struggling with a psychological problem, whether you are just feeling a bit down and blue, you are no alone! There are people who care about you and services available to help out.

Thursday 15 September 2011


Today I would like to put politics aside for a moment and discuss something which I am very passionate about: mental health. In our society mental health is not widely discussed, and mental illness is almost completely sidelined and stigmatised, making it very difficult for those who need help to seek it out. That is why campaigns such as "R U OK? Day" are so important, as it gets people talking about something that we may traditionally avoid. There is no shame in having a difficult time psychologically, we all do, and this is a very important point: no matter how low you feel, you are never alone. Here are some statistics for you to consider:

- During a 12 month period, 1 in 5 Australians will suffer from a mental illness
- In 2007 almost half (45%) of all Australians had experienced a mental disorder at some point in their lifetime
- In 2004-2005 Depression was the 4th most common issue managed in general practice
- The World Health Organisation has estimated that Depression will be the number 1 cause of disability in both the developed and developing world by 2030

Not only are you not alone, but there are services that can help out. No matter how dark it gets, there will always be someone, whether a registered professional or not-for-profit organisation there willing to lend a hand. If you or someone you know needs help, there is a directory of those that can provide assistance on the R U OK? website.

Many of us take mental health for granted, but there are a lot of people in the community who are suffering in silence; and the sad thing is that it is so unnecessary. So, today, on "R U OK?" day, I would like you to do something about it. Think about your friends, family, co-workers, are there any that seem like they could use a sympathetic ear? Do you know someone going through a tough divorce, or who has experienced loss? Well give them a call, take them out for a coffee, and just check in and see how they are doing. You may not know it, but what has cost you a mere 5 minutes may mean the world to them. Who knows, maybe that was the conversation that they will look back on as a turning point? Maybe you are the one who inspires them to seek help?

Maybe you are the one who changes - or even saves - their life?

Wednesday 14 September 2011

The Cost of Failure

It is becoming clear to even the most die-hard Labor supporter that their beloved ALP and its current patchwork government is a failure. Unlike Climate Change, it is something that everyone can agree on. The Labor Party is to failure as hats are to Bob Katter; it is impossible to separate the two. Now while this might be new for the burgeoning neo-Left, it is nothing new for those who can remember the dark times before the Howard Golden Age. Labor has a long, long, long history of incompetence, waste and failure on an unprecedented scale, giving rise to the adage: Labor spends and destroys the economy, the Coalition rescues it. The current question is not 'how much more failure can we expect for the current incarnation of Labor hubris, greed and corruption?' but rather 'how much will all of this cost us before we can turf them out?'

Kevin Rudd has become the 'Million Dollar Man', racking up a travellers bill of a cool mill over the past nine months. That is the equivalent of almost $4000 a day. Yes, he is our Foreign Minister, but even still that is a tad extreme, don't you think? In addition we all know why K-Rudd spends so much time overseas; Gillard doesn't want him around causing leadership speculation! So to solve a personal political problem, the tax-payer has to fork out $1 million every nine months just to keep Kevin out of Gillard's way!

The ALP; it is synonymous with failure...
That $1 million 'Keep Kevin Flying' fund looks like a paltry sum, especially when put next to Gillard's other tax-payer funded problem solver, the $12 million Carbon Tax advertising campaign. That's right, those annoying Clean Energy Future adverts have cost tax-payers $12 million since mid-July; based on my calculations, that is $200,000 per day. I'll repeat that because even I find that quite mind-boggling: the Carbon Tax advertising campaign is costing tax-payers $200,000 PER DAY! This figure doesn't even include the newest round of advertising, which is blatant ALP propaganda payed for by hard-working Australians like me and you!

This illegitimate government is burning through our money like there is no tomorrow (and for Julia there may not be a tomorrow for her political career if the polls continue their record breaking descent...). Unimaginable levels of debt funding unrealistic and un-Australian policies, policies which have the sole aim of destroying our prosperous economy and cohesive society. Gillard and Brown may want a Clean Energy Socialist Future, but I sure as Hell don't...

Friday 9 September 2011

Zombie John Curtin ate my BRAIN!

The focus this week has been firmly on the Prime Minister and, more specifically, her career prospects which at the moment do not look so good. Record low polling to the point that Fiji's military dictator is more popular than Gillard (hope that doesn't give her any ideas...), the continuation of the Thomson Affair, and, of course, the asylum debate were all in the news, none of it favourable for Gillard and Co. For the government things are just getting worse and worse, which shows that this is a government which hasn't just lost its way, but fallen entirely off the grid!

What made me laugh the most this week was Bob Brown's little rant on 7:30 where he outlined the Greens' policy. Without going into too much detail Bob basically stated that he wanted to open the boarders to any Tom, Dick or Mohammad who could jump on a leaky boat and point it in Christmas Island's direction. What I found the most shocking was, according to Bob, the majority of Australia's actually support this move! I don't know who Bob's chatting with but everyone I speak to on the matter thinks we need to reinstate the Howard Pacific Solution, quick smart! We have all seen what has happened in Europe, most notably the UK; is that really the path we want to go down? I suggest that most logical, sensible people in the community (i.e. those who don't talk to Brown...) would disagree with your suggestion that yours is the popular viewpoint, Bob... Brown, nevertheless, continued on further stating that "we [the Greens] are simply setting policy for Australia"; I think that pretty much sums up the relationship between Brown and Deputy-PM Gillard... don't you think?

Far out man... stop harshing my mellow...

Here's some stats that Senator Brown might like to consider before opening his mouth again:
2002 - 2007: 288 people come to Australia by boat
Post 2007: 11,600 people come by boat
Yea, scrapping the Pacific Solution was a brilliant idea! Thanks Rudd, dismantling Howard's effective boarder security policy is obviously what the majority of Australians wanted; I know it is what the people smugglers were hoping for...

This has been a long, busy, drawn out week and now, finally - FINALLY! - it is Friday, so it is time for a little light hearted silliness... The results from this week's Right Side Poll are in, and it looks as though the Faceless Men should be turning to the ALP Witch Doctors (not to be confused with their Spin Doctors...) to reanimate Australia's war time Prime Minister. Our 14th PM polled the highest, with 67% of the vote going to Zombie John Curtin. Simon Crean was the only other suggestion to receive any votes, with 33%. This is not difficult to believe, after all a zombie would still have more personality than Crean... There was a lot of discussion when Julia got the top job around whether Australia was 'ready' for a female leader. The question now is are we ready for a zombie in the top job? Read the full story...

For this week's Right Side Poll I am interest to know what you think about Industrial Relations; should Tony Abbott and the Coalition being looking to roll back the ALP's FairWork Australia and return to individual contracts? Let me know what you think... Of course, it's Friday, and where would we be without some laughs and perhaps a drink or two (just remember not to overdo it...)? I have included below a clip which, I imagine, is probably what Bob Brown dreams of at night... Oh, and just a warning, there is course language; it is incredibly funny though...

Once again thanks to all who have taken the time to vote on the Right Side Poll and who have dropped in over the week. Don't forget to check out our new Facebook page and tell us what you think of the website. Your feedback is very much appreciated, so please keep sending it through! I hope that you all have an amazing weekend and I look forward to seeing you back here next week...


In another astonishing move the ALP's Faceless Men has toppled their 2nd first term PM in just over a year. What is more shocking is who will replace Julia Gillard in the top job. Early reports suggested that Simon Crean and Kevin Rudd were the front runners, but Labor's caucus has selected none other than war time leader John Curtin's reanimated corpse.

"Well we went with Curtin's corpse simply because we felt that the electorate would identify with it more than the less human Kevin... plus it is far more interesting the Crean," Faceless Man Paul Howes stated. "The change shouldn't shock the electorate too much, we have simply moved from one dead PM walking to another, it is just that Curtin isn't so on the nose with voters... unless of course they get close to him..."

There were initial concerns about Mr Curtin's eligibility to ascend to the position of PM, given the notable handicap of not being a current sitting member of Parliament. This was swiftly resolved in the party room, with Zombie Curtin devouring Craig Thomson and thereby taking his seat (as is outlined in the constitution). Devouring Thomson and taking his seat resolved both the Thomson Affair and allowed Curtin to run for the party leadership unopposed.

Is Australia ready for its first reanimated PM?
The move seems to be working with voters, with Curtin's approval rating running through the roof. "Well I would vote for Curtin," one voter told us, "The ALP's brain dead policies make more sense now that they have an [openly] brain dead leader..."

Zombie Curtin's inaugural speech left some confused, but was generally well received (far more so than Gillard's 'Moving Forward' monstrosity...). Here is a short extract:

"Brains... BRAINS!... Government lost its way... NO BRAINS! We need BRAINS to move nation forward... invest in education... support those juicy brains..."

Sensing that the tide was moving against them, the Federal Coalition has moved quickly to depose Tony Abbott and install the only Liberal leader who cannot fail. Elected unopposed after travelling back in time to save Australia, Cyborg John Howard will contest the next election... I knew he'd be back...!

Thursday 8 September 2011

Gillard rushing home... but why?

Well, it could be that our [soon to be Former] Prime Minister has just had enough of New Zealand, which is entirely understandable (I joke, of course; the countryside is just spectacular... the people, on the other hand...). Perhaps Gillard is heading home early to congratulate Swan on the economy (that would be a short discussion...) or maybe Tim found himself unable to open a particularly stubborn pickle jar. Fanciful scenarios, to be sure, as the likely truth is that the rumblings in the Labor Party are coming to a head... more precisely the Labor Party is coming after Julia's head...

Could it be that Gillard has cut short her NZ trip because her sycophant lapdog Swan has over heard that a leadership spill is imminent, and quickly jumped on the phone, pleading his Dear Leader to hurry back? "Come home Julia... the Faceless Men are getting restless!" With even the most devote ALP supporters and former power brokers beginning to lose the faith, it is only a matter of time. I suggested late last week that Gillard would be lucky to see the end of the month but maybe she won't see the end of this week?

Rushing back to stop Rudd the Revolutionary...?

For the most part I am an optimist; I always try and see the best, regardless of the situation. That is why I have my fingers crossed, and hope that the ALP sees sense and does the right thing: dump Gillard and give the Australian people their democratic right to vote. Our country is suffering needlessly and we need an election now!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

The New World Order is coming... unless we stand-up for Democracy

I love my country; I'm a freedom loving conservative and damn proud of it. This is the greatest country in the world, a land of prosperity and opportunity... or at least it was. For you see, my friends, our great nation is dying, being bled dry by the parasitic Left who leech our nation's wealth, it's hopes, it's dreams, and, more importantly, robbing the next generation of opportunity and that quintessential Australian notion of 'the fair go'. The child should not suffer for the sins of the father, and nor should the next generation of Australians suffer the burden of the unsustainable debt-binge that is legacy of the Labor Party. The needless cycle of economic self-harm; spend-debt-tax, repeat...

The current Labor government is surpassing the incompetence of previous ALP administrations, which is no easy feat. This has come about, of course, courtesy of the Labor-Green alliance, one which is pushing our great democracy further and further to the Left. The Carbon Tax has nothing to do with stopping emissions, it is a program of wealth re-distribution. Take the hard earned money from those who worked to build a better life for themselves and give it to those who cannot be bothered to get an education, get a job, and work for their income. Why work when you can live in Brown's socialist paradise, where there is no drive, no innovation, no incentive for self-improvement, just cash handouts and drum circles?

What scares me the most is that Brown and his band of revolutionaries don't want to stop there - oh no! - they have their eyes set on a much larger goal. The Left are trying to bring the West down from within. Unable to provide an alternative model to Capitalism (well, at least one that works...) the Left have decided that if you can't beat them, join them... and destroy them from within. Over a decade of the 'New Labour' experiment in Britain has seen their once great society crumble to the level of petty thuggery and violence on a once unimaginable scale. Obama has set out to completely destroy the US economy in a single term. The ALP and their Green allies have their eyes set on completely obliterating Australia's prosperity and dismantling our social system by opening the door to any Tom, Dick or Mohammad who can get on a leaky boat pointed in Christmas Island's direction! The destruction of the West so that their New World Order may finally become a reality...

For those of you who think that I am over-exaggerating, I suggest that you look at the evidence. Bob Brown has made no secret of the fact that he wants to see a global government. Brown, in his back-room deals to get Gillard to support his Carbon Tax policy, has secured funding to help see this Global Government become a reality. Of the revenue collected by the Carbon Tax, 10% will be redirected to the United Nations. What agenda is the UN pushing? Why it wants resource use decoupled from economic growth and for the wealth of the West funnelled to the Third World. Wait a minute, this sounds familiar... Oh, that's right, this is just Brown's wealth redistribution program but on a global scale, one that we will be helping to fund through the Carbon Tax. And Australia's Left are not the only ones pushing for this perverse global Green government, with Germany already become one of the first 'Green Dictatorships'.

It seems as though the old Communist model is simply being rehashed, rebranded, and sold with a brand new coat of Green paint. While we cannot change the course of other nations, we do control the destiny of our own. Unlike socialist revolution that use guns, bloodshed and fear, we will use our freedom of speech, our sense of justice and, the most important weapon of all, our democratic right to vote. Use your vote wisely at the next election; if the nation chooses to continue down this slippery slope of socialist experimentation, it very well may be the last time we get to vote at a free election...

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Julia Gillard: Lame Duck PM?

So it has come to this, a Newspoll so abysmally bad that it would make even the most annoyingly optimistic politician cringe. Julia Gillard's personal support has fallen to an embarrassingly low 23%. That means you would struggle to find one in five people who think that the leader of this great nation is doing a good job. The truly humiliating aspect of this is that this Newspoll is the sixth in a row where Tony Abbott has led the Prime Minister in the preferred PM stakes. That says more about Gillard than it does about Abbott, a man that even I struggle to support some days (don't get me wrong, I like Tony, it's just that he doesn't always make it easy...). Tony has jumped to 43%, his highest rating ever. Mr Abbott, in the off chance that you read this, keep up the good work and for God's sake keep your mouth shut!

Looks like the electorate is finally warming to the future Prime Minister...
While Gillard may be struggling to find the one in five people who think that she is doing a good job, Coalition pollsters could throw a rock out the window and hit a dozen people willing to send their vote to the Lib/Nationals, with Newspoll showing that the Coalition has a crushing 50% primary vote. That's right, you read correctly, 50%! At this rate the government would lose in the order of 40 seats and 9 ministers would be joining the unemployment line (like much of the rest of the country thanks to their economic ineptitude...).

With an almost endless list of policy mistake and bringing shame and humiliation on our fine country, all I can say is the sooner we get rid of this rabble the better. Gillard is on the ropes, and even Kevin is more appealing to voters, with 50% of those polled in the latest Newspoll wanting to see a return of the K-Rudd. All that is left is the inevitable decline; stop wasting our time Gillard: Election NOW!

Monday 5 September 2011

The Joke that is the Left

It is not so much a 'funny, ha-ha' kind of joke, more a sad, makes you groan a little kind of joke. I sat down at my computer this morning and, as always, clicked on over to the ABC news website to have a look at what was going on in the world, and I made the fatal mistake of reading one of the opinion pieces. "Only a resurgence of the Left can set this country to rights" was the title; and I chuckled to myself. Another misguided Leftie who thinks that public ownership and welfare handouts will cure all ills, I thought to myself. But no, it was, of course, Bruce Haigh, a man who demonstrates that you can be educated despite being cognitively impaired...

The piece was, to say the least, an embarrassment; how the ABC could run this tripe is beyond my comprehension. Well, actually, no it's not beyond my comprehension. The ABC has long pushed a socialist - almost neo-communist - agenda, with every Left-wind nut job who can string together a few sentences given as much on-line space as they desire. But the issue of the ABC's bias is a completely separate issue, my disagreement at the moment is with the dangerously misguided views that Haigh is pushing...

"My notion of a Left agenda would include the state providing a framework to deliver the greatest good to the greatest number of people, including the empowerment of Aborigines and asylum seekers." Haigh writes, clearly oblivious of the fact that these to populations combined barely represent 2% of Australia's population. This is the heart of the Left's problem; they pursue narrow agendas to the detriment of the whole while under the guise of being inclusive. Why address larger structural problems in the system when you can just give handouts to the 'disadvantaged', all the while taxing the majority of hardworking Australians into poverty? Is that the equality that you are speaking of, Bruce, one where we are all poor and disadvantaged, with no incentive to make a better life for ourselves? Speaking of self-determination...

"There is no Left in Australian politics or discourse at the moment. There is just the Centre, now seen as the Left by the Radical Right, as The Right stretches away to glorious infinity – a Nirvana of free markets, the centrality of self, supported by uncontrolled vitriol and uncurbed aggression." Yes, self-determination is a terrible thing. It allows people to make a life for themselves, to choose their job, their home, their government. How horrid! How beastly to think that we should have the right to determine our own fate and, more importantly, be responsible for that fate! Self-determination is more than just choosing your own destiny, but being responsible for it! I direct your attention to the UK riots, the result of over a decade of misguided Leftist social agenda whereby the state is responsible for everything and individuals are free to run amok! This is how you want it, isn't it Bruce? No one need take any responsibility for their actions, just run free and be sure to collect your welfare payments at the end of the week...

"The imagination, creative drive, courage and egalitarian agenda of the Left has been sadly lacking from the national narrative for the last 20 years" I'm sorry, but I just laugh every time I read that quote... What utter nonsense! I don't know what you smoked during the 60's Bruce, but it has seriously damaged your ability to differentiate reality from fantasy...

There is a counter to all of the arguments which Bruce puts forward, an argument which illustrates undeniably that the Left has failed and will only destroy all that we have worked so hard to achieve: The Greens... Need I say any more?

Friday 2 September 2011

The end of the week... and Gillard?

What a brilliant, wonderful, fantastic week we are having! It is entirely possible that, by this time next week, we will not only have a new PM, but a new election! There have been a lot of stories buzzing about this week, from the bullying tactics used by the PM to silence News Ltd, through to the High Court placing the final nail into the coffin of the much maligned 'Malaysian Solution'. But all of these failures that are coming to light are symptomatic of a far larger, underlying problem facing the government. No, it's not refugees, the plethora of new taxes, or Craig Thomson, it is Gillard herself; she has now become the physical embodiment of all of Labor's failures. The rot has well and truly set in, and there is no way back. For the ALP, moving forward now means moving to the Opposition benches... and getting comfortable because they are going to be there for a while...

So where did it all go wrong? Where did the wheels start to fall off the bright, shiny resurrected Labor sports car that was the Kevin07 racer? Well, first of all, the driver was none too great to start with. The messages were good and the promises even better, but it was all a smoke and mirrors show. Soon, the public got over the K-Rudd love haze and saw his government for what it really was: all spin and no substance. The mistake Labor made was they thought that changing the leader would help; but that is not the case if you do not address the underlying fundamentals which lead to that leader's downfall. No matter how many times you change the salesman, if the product is the same you will get the same results. Simple.

Gillard was, of course, greeted with much fanfare as the nation's first female Prime Minister. However voters didn't appreciate how she got the job and the role the 'Faceless Men' played in organising Rudd's assassination and her ascendancy. Backroom deals and shady 'mates helping mates' scenarios don't sit well with Australians, and the simple fact was that we were dissatisfied with Rudd and wanted our opportunity to tell him what we thought of him at the ballot box. An opportunity we were robbed of. Despite the initial rebound offered by Gillard's promotion, it didn't last long. Her first big public mistake was the dreadful "Moving Forward" speech which clearly showed that the spin doctors were still the ones who were really in charge of the Prime Minister's office.

The election allowed the Coalition to claw back more ground than any of us had hoped for just six months earlier, but it wasn't enough. By giving everything to the Greens, including her soul, Gillard maintained a grip on power, all be it a weak one. Since then it has been nothing but screw-ups and back flips, and we, the people, are getting pretty darn sick of it. It has gotten to the point where every week there is a new back flip, policy reversal/mess-up, or outright lie, and it has to stop. If the ALP waits any longer it will destroy their brand completely. The simple fact is that Gillard and this incompetent government must go, now!

Now that I have got that off my chest, and have made my psychic prediction (Gillard & Co. out of office by month's end) I will get back to the main Friday agenda. Two weeks ago we were chatting about the issue of 'coal seam mining' or 'fracking' and I wanted to know what everyone thought about the issue of big miners being able to enter and survey private farm land without the owner's permission. To my mind it was a gross violation of property rights that shouldn't stand in our beloved nation. Well, the Right Side Poll results are in, and it looks like you agree with me unreservedly: 100% of readers voted that of course farmers should be able to coal seam exploration on their land. This week, I would like your thoughts on who will next lead the ALP once Gillard is knifed? Do Labor move forward by going back to Rudd, or should the Faceless Men chose a new face for 'leader'? Let me know... or join the discussion on our new Facebook page!

As always I like to sign off on Fridays with something a little light and funny. After all, a week's full of political discussion and debate can be quite heavy, and Friday is always the time for a little mischief and fun! I thought this clip would be particularly relevant given that some have accused me of hyperbole when discussing Labour's failures...

I wish you all a happy and safe weekend and I look forward to seeing you all back here again next week. Be sure to vote on this week's Right Side Poll and check us out on Facebook. Now get out of here and have some fun, you crazy Conservatives!

Thursday 1 September 2011

Julia Gillard, Former Prime Minister...

I have to admit that I quite like the sound of that. And, it would appear, that we are getting closer and closer to it becoming a reality. What we are witnessing this week is the dramatic climax, the ALP's implosion under the heavy weight of years of failure. The people have made their voice loud and clear on the Carbon Tax and the economic damage it will wreak on our still fragile economy. The High Court has proclaimed Gillard's "Malaysian Solution" to be no solution at all, but instead a monumental failure which put lives at risks and damages Australia's human rights reputation and our broader national reputation as a whole. Not only have they resoundingly knocked this failed policy on its head, but also endorsed the Howard Government's "Pacific Solution", and it is not difficult to understand why. The "Pacific Solution", regardless of what Bob Brown and Sarah Hanson-Young bleat on about, was a resounding success which treated asylum seekers humanely. When Labor came to power in 2007 there were 4 asylum seekers being held for processing. That's right, it's not a typo: FOUR! Now our detention centres are bursting at the seams with over 3000 people now being held for processing.

There is also the financial consideration which needs to be taken into account. We have a deal with Malaysia, and we are obligated to take the 4000 refugees we agreed would be exchanged. Australian Tax-Payers are being lumped with the bill to ship out and resettle 4000 people for no net gain! But perhaps this is what Gillard and her Leftists buddies wanted all along...? But conspiracy theories aside, this is just another instance of failure from a Prime Minister and a Government which seems to know only screw-ups and scandals. The question isn't "What have they done right?" it's "What haven't they ruined yet?" We have monumental national debt, we are letting in everyone who can jump on a leaky boat, we are being taxed to a level that the Sheriff of Nottingham would be proud of, and all for what? So that we can have a corrupt government being run by the pseudo-Prime Minister in Bob Brown? Is this really the Australia we want?

Looking a bit glum there, Julia...
Due to practical restraints I won't list all of failures of this Government as I am afraid that if I did, I would crash Blogger; there just isn't enough space on this site or time in the day. The simple point I wish to make is that politically Gillard is toast. She is toxic and damaging to this great nation of ours, but also the ALP. Now I am no fan of Labor and strongly believe that they are a bunch of corrupt, loony Leftists who only know how to rack up debt and tax hard working Australians into poverty. I will, however, stop and offer them some advice, because I think they need it:

Dear Faceless Men of the ALP,

Gillard, as a brand, is damaged beyond repair. If you want the Labor brand to survive, you need to dump her quick smart, because the longer she hangs about the further she will drag you down. It is in both the best interest of the ALP and the nation as a whole that Gillard goes. Yes, this means that you will lose government but, quite frankly, you deserve it. Deal with it, learn from it, move forward...

The People of Australia

How does that sound? Fair? Let me know; I'd really like to hear what you have to say on the matter (and how long you think Gillard will last...).