Friday 2 September 2011

The end of the week... and Gillard?

What a brilliant, wonderful, fantastic week we are having! It is entirely possible that, by this time next week, we will not only have a new PM, but a new election! There have been a lot of stories buzzing about this week, from the bullying tactics used by the PM to silence News Ltd, through to the High Court placing the final nail into the coffin of the much maligned 'Malaysian Solution'. But all of these failures that are coming to light are symptomatic of a far larger, underlying problem facing the government. No, it's not refugees, the plethora of new taxes, or Craig Thomson, it is Gillard herself; she has now become the physical embodiment of all of Labor's failures. The rot has well and truly set in, and there is no way back. For the ALP, moving forward now means moving to the Opposition benches... and getting comfortable because they are going to be there for a while...

So where did it all go wrong? Where did the wheels start to fall off the bright, shiny resurrected Labor sports car that was the Kevin07 racer? Well, first of all, the driver was none too great to start with. The messages were good and the promises even better, but it was all a smoke and mirrors show. Soon, the public got over the K-Rudd love haze and saw his government for what it really was: all spin and no substance. The mistake Labor made was they thought that changing the leader would help; but that is not the case if you do not address the underlying fundamentals which lead to that leader's downfall. No matter how many times you change the salesman, if the product is the same you will get the same results. Simple.

Gillard was, of course, greeted with much fanfare as the nation's first female Prime Minister. However voters didn't appreciate how she got the job and the role the 'Faceless Men' played in organising Rudd's assassination and her ascendancy. Backroom deals and shady 'mates helping mates' scenarios don't sit well with Australians, and the simple fact was that we were dissatisfied with Rudd and wanted our opportunity to tell him what we thought of him at the ballot box. An opportunity we were robbed of. Despite the initial rebound offered by Gillard's promotion, it didn't last long. Her first big public mistake was the dreadful "Moving Forward" speech which clearly showed that the spin doctors were still the ones who were really in charge of the Prime Minister's office.

The election allowed the Coalition to claw back more ground than any of us had hoped for just six months earlier, but it wasn't enough. By giving everything to the Greens, including her soul, Gillard maintained a grip on power, all be it a weak one. Since then it has been nothing but screw-ups and back flips, and we, the people, are getting pretty darn sick of it. It has gotten to the point where every week there is a new back flip, policy reversal/mess-up, or outright lie, and it has to stop. If the ALP waits any longer it will destroy their brand completely. The simple fact is that Gillard and this incompetent government must go, now!

Now that I have got that off my chest, and have made my psychic prediction (Gillard & Co. out of office by month's end) I will get back to the main Friday agenda. Two weeks ago we were chatting about the issue of 'coal seam mining' or 'fracking' and I wanted to know what everyone thought about the issue of big miners being able to enter and survey private farm land without the owner's permission. To my mind it was a gross violation of property rights that shouldn't stand in our beloved nation. Well, the Right Side Poll results are in, and it looks like you agree with me unreservedly: 100% of readers voted that of course farmers should be able to coal seam exploration on their land. This week, I would like your thoughts on who will next lead the ALP once Gillard is knifed? Do Labor move forward by going back to Rudd, or should the Faceless Men chose a new face for 'leader'? Let me know... or join the discussion on our new Facebook page!

As always I like to sign off on Fridays with something a little light and funny. After all, a week's full of political discussion and debate can be quite heavy, and Friday is always the time for a little mischief and fun! I thought this clip would be particularly relevant given that some have accused me of hyperbole when discussing Labour's failures...

I wish you all a happy and safe weekend and I look forward to seeing you all back here again next week. Be sure to vote on this week's Right Side Poll and check us out on Facebook. Now get out of here and have some fun, you crazy Conservatives!

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