Thursday 3 November 2011

What is the 'Greatest Threat to Democracy'?

Is it the megalomaniacal, despotic, Gaddafi-like dictators of the world? Those who imprison, torture, and kill those who dare question their rule? Is it those who hate freedom (i.e. Bob Brown) and wish to silence all descent? No... that is if you are to believe Labor Senator Doug Cameron. According to Doug, the single greatest threat to democracy is not evil Muslim terrorists, deluded extremists, or even Global Warming, but rather it is little ol' Rupert Murdoch. Yes, apparently Rupert is at it again; armed with a rolled up copy of The Daily Telegraph he is battling away at democracy, trying to topple the Gillard Regime.

According to The Daily Telegraph Rudd is being urged by colleagues to challenge Gillard for the leadership. Talk about a SHOCKING story! This is going to rock the very foundation of democracy itself! Hold on people, the whole system is about to collapse in on itself! Now, hyperbole aside, I do have a serious point to make, which is that Doug Cameron is a moron. Every single person with half a brain knows that Rudd is just busting to remove the knife from his back and firmly implant it in his successor. If Doug is too stupid to realise what is going on in his own party than that's his problem, it does not mean the News Ltd. is waging a war on Labor. The simple fact is that Labor, through their continued incompetence and waste, just make themselves an easy target for the media. So the moral of the story here, Doug, is that if you want the mean, nasty media to stop picking on you all you have to do is get your act together!

I wonder if Doug was born this stupid or whether he needed to work at it?
What astounds me even more with this whole piece of 'news' is the coverage that the ABC is giving it. If you want to talk about media bias, then take a good hard look at our national broadcaster! This isn't news and certainly should not be reported as such. We all know Gillard is going to be knifed by Rudd, it is just a matter of time. The Daily Telegraph would have been better served running the headline: Australians disinterested in Kardashians... now there is a SHOCKING TRUTH!

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