Friday 5 August 2011

It's quiet... a little too quiet...

Let's face it, this has been a slow week on the political front. The biggest news to come out of the week is only just emerging, with global markets tumbling as everyone gets the jitters. Europe looks as though it is teetering on the edge of the abyss (the only option left is to begin jettisoning some of the weaker EU members) and the American solution to their debt crises was hardly convincing and filled few with the confidence needed to prevent the bear from returning. So where does that leave us? Grasping desperately to the coat tails of our Chinese friends... but even they are starting to look a little shaky... of course it wouldn't be so bad if our PM wasn't further damaging our economy with the myriad of taxes and shackles as she endeavours to destroy what little hope we have left!

The results from this week's Right Side Poll is in, and it is emphatic! All those wonderful folk who took the time to vote agreed that the 'Malaysian Solution' would cost tax-payers an unjustifiably large amount of money for no benefit, resulting in a humiliating farce. Thanks to all those who shared their views on the matter; it is clear that this is just another example of failed Labor policy, an unnecessary blunder to cover up their incompetence! This week's Right Side Poll turns the spotlight on the markets, asking readers to contribute their thoughts on the recent falls.

For those of you who regularly follow what is going on at The Right Side, you will notice a few additions. There is now the opportunity to follow our RSS feed, subscribe to the blog by e-mail, even follow John Citizen on Twitter. For all of the ways to follow Australia's favourite conservative blog, just click on the 'Keep up to date...' tab to see all of the new features available. So please continue to contribute your thoughts and feedback. After all, that is what this blog is all about: like-minded conservatives chatting and debating the big issues of the day. So don't stand on the sidelines, join the fun!

Speaking of fun, it's Friday. While there is doom and gloom on the markets, there is no reason we can't have a bit of a laugh. A friend of mine recently took me on a nostalgic trip down memory lane the other day by reminding me of the Peter Garret parody. I've included the clip below.

Anyway I hope that you all have a brilliant weekend and I hope to see you all back here next week to continue the debate...

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